
When I first created this blog my objectives were fairly simple.  I was looking for a tool that would allow me to capture notes on courses that I’ve taken or books that I’ve read and a blog seemed ideal because it would be searchable, widely available, permit sharing & collaboration with colleagues and provide me with hands-on access to technologies that are becoming increasingly relevant in today’s business & social worlds.

In the weeks that followed I began gathering content and an idea started to take form.  Reflecting on the eclectic nature of my own professional background and that of several of my peers I began to realize that:

  1. Technology Product Management is mashy by nature. 
    Unlike most occupations ours is a field where we need to engage, show knowledge and affect decisions across a variety of disciplines (including those of our suppliers & customers); and
  2. Our unique brands of mashiness have unique value.
    My own background provides me with unique perspectives and insights that are worth sharing and the unique perspectives and insights of my peers can provide equally valuable lessons.

And so, the The Mashy PM was born.

However you got here, welcome, and please feel free to comment or make suggestions for improvement.

~ The Mashy PM

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